Sunday, October 24, 2021

Is a circus a circus or is a circus only a circus?


Three hundred and fifty three!


No animals were harmed while writing this post!


images of circus animals? - Bing images


A Circus has petered out through the years because humans have become more humane and more invented so why not renew a circus with old wagons and modern computerized animals and newest electronics?


 We do this each year in our newest inventions at improving our garden, homes lives and so on, why not a circus parade?


We do this to celebrate sports, space travel and for political reasons why not for fun?


353 years – that is how long humans have been abusing animals for show and tell!


What was the first circus? | HowStuffWorks


With the brain power to explore the known universe there must be a better way?


Yes there is!


 Do we really need to abuse our brothers and sisters in today’s world?




No we do not!


when was the first circus - Bing images


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