Monday, July 13, 2020

London, England

Welcome to the visitor from London, England
Ziek’s pages at
Ziek’s blog at
Amber and Ziek keep their two pets, both retired triple ‘A’ workaholics
and we wouldn’t have it any other way! 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Love your website although a little rethinking might be in order, 
"Together we can control this virus" 😢
By together one must guess that you do not mean the United States with trump" 🤢
"We in this country are praying and praying for November and a better outcome"!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Ziek just drank his water for the first time without crying for permission!

What’s up with that?
As my followers know, Ziek is a rescue dog found roaming in Orlando after a 4th of July.
A 9 year old black (brindle) dog, 
about to be “Put Down” 
because he is a 9 year old Black Dog!
Now Ziek has his own water bowl 
(bottled water), 
Amber has hers.
I can only visualize what their lives have been like in their past?
Cage all day?
Chained to a tree all night?
Who knows?
When Ziek would start his ‘thirsty cry’ we mute the TV, stop all noise and beg him to drink his free, clean, fresh water.
When he is finished we shower him with love and joy, this took 4 years!
(11th of July 2020 - 5th of July 2016).
Ziek and Amber rescue us every minute of every day!
Love and blessings from
Creator to You All
Shechaim Ohjieshan
“Don’t get scared,
It’s your country, take it back”!
“This is our Watch”!

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Thank-you to all of my visitors.

I wish to thank the visitors to my Wordpress and my Google sites the last few days.
However; with all due respect to you all, I think that you made a mistake?
If these two ‘old poops’ are such go-parents, would Ziek
Go out to the play/potty area and squat to pee while Amber
Goes out to that same play/poop area and lifts her leg to pee?
Any time a visitor comes calling, Ziek runs to the door to kiss and lie down to have a belly rub.

Amber goes to the door like a mommy cougar looking to feed her cubs?
We have a cookie jar at the door for your visit, no not for you for them.
Ziek enjoys his food while Amber eats as if there is no tomorrow?
Taw-but-ni (Thank-you) to

Makati City, National Capital Region, Philippines
Love and blessings from
Creator to You All
Shechaim Ohjieshan
“Don’t get scared,
It’s your country, take it back”!
“This is our Watch”!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

I must have a talk with my son!

Ziek! You are not a girl!
The females of the species do the nesting we do the hunting remember?

But Dad; you said that it is my papasan?

Friday, May 22, 2020

Swisher, Iowa

Welcome to the visitor from Swisher, Iowa

To a posting of Ziek’s blog

You have got to love an abused pet because this pet will never forget your love
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Ziek was easy, I believe that he knew that we were his last chance, a lot of love, food and kindness worked great, 
nah, it was the food!


This little bundle of love was said to hate men and if she bites one more time she would be put-down!

I told them that I plan on her biting, in play, me however; they will never know about it!
She is a 4 years old lab/pit mix abused twice and has never been able to grow up, until now!
Show me any 4 year old that will when a much taller human, wearing a mask, comes at her/him too quick?
The trick is if you love him/her, to make yourself as unimposing as you possible can and allow your new family member to make the first and maybe even the second move, move slowly as possible, stopping every time she/he shows fear.
Teach her/him how to play and when, not if, you get a mistake bite, tell him/her so in a low, slow, kind voice while showing the part bit while patting and loving on your new family member.
Luck my friend and
Love and blessings from
Creator to You All
Shechaim Ohjieshan

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania

Welcome to Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania.
It looks as if you could not get to one of our blog post at Thursday, May 14, 2020?
You have got to love an abused pet 
because this pet will 
never forget your love.
The post is up and running, it looks as if you might not have sent the complete link to your search engine or your search engine is not working?

 Via a bookmark or direct)

 Please 'stay safe' and remember, all questions will be answered by one of my pets!


Houston, Texas

Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas; Ziek welcomes you to my blog at
Ziek's Blog
Please stay safe today and come back soon?
Remember, all questions will be answered by one of my ‘Pets’

Thursday, May 14, 2020

You have got to love an abused pet because this pet will never forget your love

You have got to love an abused pet 
because this pet will never forget your love
It has been just over 4 years 
since Ziek came into our hearts but through the front door!
And still he will cry when he wants a drink of water, 
fresh bottled water always accessible to him 24/7.
We shut down everything in the house 
except breathing and our hearts 
while begging him to drink, 
after he drinks we 
praise him, pat him 
while calling him a very good boy.
Mind you this has been going on for those 4 years
(May 14th 2020 July 15th 2016)!
Doubt this?

Check his leg!
Also mind you he has his own papasan 
and shares the 2nd with Amber!
Right next to our bed!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Bible Cannot Lie!

If the bible cannot lie
(I believe this to be true),
Because the bible is the 'Word of God' (Creator).
Then all of the words written in the bible are 'the truth'!
So; if you believe this as I do then,
Revelation 16:3
"And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea;
and it became as the blood of a dead [man]:
and every living soul died in the sea."
Is also true?
So; "Every living soul died in the sea."
Must also mean
"All of Creators Creature's have a 'Soul'?
If all of 'Creators Creature's
have a soul then all of our pets
will be with us in
'The Millennial Kingdom'
and the
'New Jerusalem forever!
The thousand-year reign of Christ on earth, centered at Jerusalem.
called the Messianic Kingdom because the Messiah 
will rule as King during this time. 

See commentary on
(Jeremiah 31:33), holiness (Isaiah 35:8), truth (Isaiah 65:16),
and the knowledge of God (Isaiah 11:9, Habakkuk 2:14).
Christ will rule as king (Isaiah 9:3–7; 11:1–10).

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

I’m going shopping

Just a little snooze so what?
Once I get my ‘Beauty Sleep’
I’m going shopping,
 I may take my pets with me, 
Breanna can stay home!