Saturday, May 15, 2021

Care to read about my buddy Ziek?


Pet Toys for the most part are made out of country!

Ziek had two operations because of that, China to be precise!

Ziek now seems to be growing back into a puppy and his two pets love every second!


Ziek's Blog: Ziek is getting better! (


We came closer than we ever wish to come to losing Ziek or any other pet for that matter!

It has been some time since Donna and I almost lost Ziek to ‘Stupidity’ as my followers will tell you.

I apologize to you my friend and all of my followers for the laps in time since last writing.

Welcome Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The City of Calgary - Home Page


My Canada - My Calgary (


Ziek is back home

Friday, March 5, 2021

Ziek is back home safe and eating and drink (water), like his little piggy (Amber).


Ziek's Blog: Ziek is back home (


December 2020 we bought Amber and Ziek toys for Christmas.

Problem is; we did not read between the lines, so to speak.

I notice that the toys that I bought were assembled in the USA ??????

What I forgot to do was ask ‘Doctor Google’ where they were made!

(There lies the rub)!

While digging around the internet I found an answer that both country

(China and the USA),

Seem to be hell bent on hiding from you the buying public

(Not Made in America)!


Ziek's Blog: Ziek is getting better! (

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