Pet Toys for the most part are
made out of country!
Ziek had two operations because
of that, China to be precise!
Ziek now seems to be growing back
into a puppy and his two pets love every second!
Ziek's Blog: Ziek is getting better! (
We came closer than we ever wish
to come to losing Ziek or any other pet for that matter!
It has been some time since Donna
and I almost lost Ziek to ‘Stupidity’ as my followers will tell you.
I apologize to you my friend and
all of my followers for the laps in time since last writing.
Welcome Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The City of Calgary - Home Page
My Canada - My Calgary (
Ziek is back home
Friday, March 5, 2021
Ziek is back home safe and eating
and drink (water), like his little piggy (Amber).
Ziek's Blog: Ziek is back
home (
2020 we bought Amber and Ziek toys for Christmas.
is; we did not read between the lines, so to speak.
notice that the toys that I bought were assembled in the USA ??????
I forgot to do was ask ‘Doctor Google’ where they were made!
lies the rub)!
digging around the internet I found an answer that both country
and the USA),
to be hell bent on hiding from you the buying public
Made in America)!
Ziek's Blog: Ziek is getting better! (
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